生成出错 Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Select * FROM ( select ROW_NUMBER() Over(order by case when t.is_top=1 and t.top_date_num=0 then 1 else 0 end desc, case when DateDiff (day,getdate(),dateadd(day,s.page_new_days,t.author_time)) >0 then 1 else 0 end desc, case when DateDiff (day,getdate(),dateadd(day,s.page_new_days,t.author_time)) >0 then t.is_top else 0 end desc, case when (case when DateDiff (day,getdate(),dateadd(day,s.page_new_days,t.author_time)) >0 then t.is_top else 0 end)=1 then dateadd(day,case when t.top_date_num=0 then 9999 else t.top_date_num end,t.author_time) else t.author_time end desc) as rowId , t.article_id,t.column_id,t.title_short,t.title_long,t.title_sub, t.is_jump,t.jump_address,t.keywords,t.description,t.author,t.author_time,t.source, t.is_top,t.top_date_num,t.is_read,t.is_comments,t.attribute,t.article_url,t.images_url, t.status,t.flag,t.remark,t.[user_id],t.createdate,t.createoperation,t.updatedate, t.updateoperation,t.contents,t.img_contents,s.column_name, s.column_type,s.column_name_english,s.column_save_path, s.is_member_column,s.is_member_article, case when DateDiff (day,getdate(),dateadd(day,s.page_new_days,t.author_time)) >0 then 1 else 0 end is_new from jinqi_new_article t inner join jinqi_new_columns s on (t.column_id=s.column_id ) left outer join jinqi_new_article_message m on (t.article_id=m.article_id ) where t.flag=1 and t.status=1 and t.title_short is not null and t.column_id in (18) and exists (select 'x' from dbo.split('2,3,7',',') where splitValue=s.column_type) ) as t where rowId between 1 and 6